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Geoff West

Email Geoff:  say_no_to_fastfood_and_cellphone_drivers@hotmail.com



This was the first effort to put some of Geoff's tunes down.  It came out well.  Geoff won 2 awards from the Orlando Song Writers Association.  Check out what he has on IUMA




Geoff spent some time at the Jamroom during 2000.  Oddly enough I still don't have a completed copy of the the above CD.  Maybe some day.    I have listed some tracks to the right.  It's a little rough, but great stuff.





Talkin TV Hypnotized Blues


Walking Down the Highway


Who Killed Columbine High


Radio Man


A Bourgouis's Alzheimer





Number of Hits:


Hit Counter













Demo Songs:  (Waiting on some new ones...Geoff)




What I miss Today




Working Day